Environmental financing, carbon financing, carbon strategy, nature-based solutions
Sustainability Solutions
Corporate Carbon Strategy
Identify low, medium, and high fruit on your ‘emissions reduction tree’
Climate & Carbon Policy
Corporates, central government, local government, international governments
Nature-Based Solutions
Market based mechanisms for nature based solutions - carbon, biodiversity, UN SGDs
Be an impact investor in nature based solution projects
“Working with Ekos is a straightforward way to help maintain our integrity in climate change issues, with a company that we respect and enjoy interacting with.” - Antarctic Research Centre
Corporate Carbon Strategy
We can help you to build a corporate carbon strategy for your net zero carbon target or ESG ambitions.
This includes linking your organisational carbon management with nature-based solutions, and associated certification.
Climate & Carbon Policy
Carbon financed sustainable land management, climate resilience, rural sustainability, biodiversity, water quality. The role of forests in farming landscapes.
Linking to corporate sustainability strategy in a circular economy.
Nature-Based Solutions
We specialise in market-based financing for nature based solutions. We can help you design a carbon removals programme, a biodiversity programme, a climate resilience programme.
We can also connect you with high quality nature projects that need your support
We can help you to invest in projects that need your financial support to build a better future.
We help deliver high quality projects that reduce investment risk through disciplined project protocols and transparency.
There is not enough money available in government grants or philanthropy to solve the climate and biodiversity problems of the world, which is why we need the private sector to step into leadership in changing the course of history for the better.
“Working with Ekos is a straightforward way to help maintain our integrity in climate change issues, with a company that we respect and enjoy interacting with.”