Our Experience

International experts in market-based mechanisms for environmental and climate financing specialising in:

  • Restorative & environmental forestry

  • Carbon markets and emissions trading

  • Climate and carbon policy

  • Measurement, reporting and verification at the project and jurisdictional level

  • Corporate carbon management

  • Carbon management for local government

Client sectors include:

  • Government - NZ government Fiji Government, Vanuatu Government, Samoa Government, Pacific Community

  • Multilateral banks - World Bank, African Development Bank

  • International agencies - UNDP, SPREP, TNC

  • Carbon standards - Plan Vivo (UK)

  • Corporations

  • Local government

  • Universities


  • Designed and developed the Sustainable Development Programme (Ekos-SD) - a market based mechanism to support projects delivering on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Lead policy consultant (Dr Sean Weaver) and REDD+ technical advisor (Dr Narendra Chand) for the Fiji national forest carbon programme. Drafted the Fiji National REDD+ Policy.

  • Lead policy consultant to the Vanuatu national forest carbon programme, and helped recruit Vanuatu into the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.

  • Lead policy consultant to the Pacific Community on REDD+, and drafted the Pacific Regional Policy Framework on REDD+.

  • Negotiated for Vanuatu at the UNFCCC, World Bank, European Commission.

  • Co-designed the Adaptation Benefit Mechanism for the African Development Bank.

  • Advised the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) on sustainable financing for sustainable land management and invasive species control.

  • Helped NZ corporates develop forest carbon programmes for their voluntary carbon management programmes.

  • Advised NZ corporates and universities on carbon strategy.

  • Co-authored the Leader's Guide to International Emissions Trading and Carbon Markets for the Tony Blair led initiative - Breaking the Climate Deadlock.

  • Worked in payments for ecosystem services since 1990.