Carbon Reduction Plan

The reduction tool provided by Ekos offers several benefits to clients looking to improve their emissions management and sustainability efforts. Here’s a detailed explanation of these benefits: 

1. Comprehensive Emissions Tracking 

  • Detailed Breakdown: The tool provides a detailed breakdown of emissions across various sources, such as stationary combustion, purchased electricity, staff commuting, and more. This granularity helps organizations understand where their emissions are coming from and identify areas for improvement. 

  • Performance Metrics: By comparing base year, previous year, and current year emissions data, the tool allows organizations to track their performance over time and see the impact of their reduction strategies. 

2. Target Setting and Monitoring 

  • Reduction Targets: Clients can set short-term, medium-term, and long-term reduction targets based on absolute or intensity measures. This structured approach helps in aligning emission reduction goals with overall organizational objectives. 

  • Clear Metrics: The tool uses specific metrics like FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) to measure emissions intensity, which allows organizations to set realistic and actionable targets. 

3. Actionable Reduction Plans 

  • Targeted Initiatives: The tool enables organizations to list their top emissions sources and plan targeted initiatives for reduction. For example, initiatives could include encouraging energy-saving practices among staff and guests or optimizing resource use. 

  • Responsibility Assignment: Each initiative comes with assigned responsibilities, ensuring that there are clear roles and accountability in the implementation of reduction strategies. 

4. Take it further: Carbon Reduction Workshop 

  • Buy In: Taking action requires ‘buy in’ from all departments and all involved in the organisation. The workshops get everyone involved. We especially like our online workshop tools which encourage everyone to share ideas without reluctance! 

In summary, Ekos’ reduction tool provides a structured, transparent, and accountable approach to managing emissions. It helps organisations set and track reduction targets, implement effective strategies, and engage all levels of the organization in sustainability efforts. 



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