NZ Seeds’ Native Seed Drill Forest

Meridian Energy has engaged Seed NZ Natives to help with its native reforestation by direct seeding. Direct seeding is a form of planting a seed directly into the soil. The direct seeding is done at a high density with early successional native forest species at scale. 

One such site is at Ruatapu on the West Coast where an area of 15 ha was identified for seeding to create a new native forest as part of Meridian’s Forever Forests Programme. 

Direct seeding was chosen to cost effectively establish a new native forest in an area where hand planting native seedlings would have proven difficult and costly. 

A range of ecologically appropriate eco sourced seed was specifically selected and matched to the site conditions. 

Using the Burford Tree Seeder, Seed NZ Natives seeded the site in November 2023. The site was seeded with eco sourced seed consisting of Manuka, Kāmahi, Broadleaf, Lemonwood, Coprosma, Wineberry, Hebe and Cabbage Tree.

Ekos completed an ETS assessment in April this year and identified an average of 6,800 stems per hectare of healthy forest species seedlings from the seeding 6 months previously. 

In addition to establishing this new native forest, Meridian has established an active pest control operation to protect the seedlings from browsing and the birdlife from predation. 

The direct seeded native forest establishment focuses on achieving a dense and diverse early successional forest for biodiversity to accelerate the natural successional processes from the neighbouring West Coast podocarp forests. 

The direct seeded seedlings are healthy and with the long-term monitoring, maintenance and management plan in place, these seedlings will continue to thrive.  

Pieter Brits from Seed NZ natives says “We have scaled up direct seeding because we believe it is an important tool for large scale cost effective native reforestation, however it is critical to have the processes right at every step of the way to ensure successful establishment.” 

- Pieter Brits, Founder, Seed NZ Natives


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