
Zero Carbon & Climate Positive Certification

What does it mean?

It means that your business or event has made a commitment to measure, reduce and offset the annual greenhouse gas emissions of its operations.

This is a big deal! Measuring your carbon footprint is the most essential step in understanding where you can strategically reduce emissions in the future. By going the step further and offsetting your emissions today, you are taking immediate responsibility for the impact that your business has created.

The decade of action is upon us. Our goal is to see all businesses measuring, offsetting and reducing their carbon emissions to ensure that we stay on track for the Paris Climate goal of keeping global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. 

Whilst it is necessary to be aware of the challenges that humans, animals and the environment face, it is important to focus on the solutions available and the positive impact that we can have individually and collectively. As businesses, your willingness to do your part by investing, and pushing for innovation in areas of carbon reduction will play an essential role in Aotearoa’s transition to a low carbon economy.

Zero Carbon/Climate Positive certification is not only a way to show your customers and clients that you are taking climate change seriously, it is a way for you to significantly influence your supply chain and get them on board the Zero Carbon waka.

Click here to start your journey today!

What will you be contributing to?

Ekos partners with land owning communities, impact investors & grant funders to plant and protect indigenous forests in the Pacific Islands and in rural communities here in Aotearoa. We then connect businesses and individuals with these permanent indigenous forest carbon projects through the carbon offsetting services we provide.

The establishment and protection of these forests draws down carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, enhances biodiversity, improves water quality, reduces soil loss through erosion, develops climate resilience and provides diversification and sustainable land use opportunities for land owners.

Through this process, businesses and individuals who are purchasing carbon credits to offset their own impacts are simultaneously funding forest conservation or forest development as well as providing sustainable diversification opportunities for landowners that differ from conventional farming or logging.

For more information on our projects, click here.