Aureate Native Reforestation Project

The Forest

When the current owners purchased this property north of Waihi Beach in 2016, it was covered with mature pine trees which were due for harvest within five years. The logging was completed in June 2021, and the owners’ renewed vision for the land is to restore it into a native forest, creating a habitat for native birds and establishing a permanent carbon sink.

To date, the owners have planted an impressive 15,000 native plants, with over 2,500 of these funded by generous individuals and businesses through Trees That Count. The project has also received support from a diverse group of volunteers, including friends, family, workawayers, and students from Otago Polytechnic.

The 25-hectare property, which is very steep and extends down to the sea, requires careful planting to prevent erosion. Located near Orokawa Reserve, with its mature pōhutukawa, pūriri, nīkau, and rewarewa trees, the project benefits greatly from the natural seed dispersal from these trees. To ensure their vision endures for centuries, the owners are in the process of establishing a QEII covenant on the land.

The People

The landowners are Suzie Mudge and Mark Burns.

The Aureate Native Reforestation Project is located in the Waikato Region of the North Island.

The Location

Technical Stuff

The Aureate Native Reforestation Project is being undertaken under the Permanent Forest Category of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. The project issues New Zealand Units (NZUs) based on New Zealand Government rules for carbon sequestration rates by indigenous forest.

Once the NZUs are sold to a carbon offset buyer, they are cancelled in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Registry so they cannot be used by (or sold to) anyone else.

Aureate Native Forest Reforestation

Project Name

25 ha

Project Area

Suzie Mudge

Project Owner


Project Developer

Waikato, North Island, New Zealand

Project Location

Continuation of Harvest/Replace Pine Forest

Baseline Scenario

Permanent forest protection

Project Scenario

Afforestation/reforestation (A/R): Enhanced natural regeneration

Activity Type

Carbon sequestration; biodiversity conservation; water quality protection; climate resilience

Project Benefits


Trees Planted

24 (NZUs)

Carbon Credits Issued

New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme - Permanent Forest Category

Carbon Credit Standard

Ministry for Primary Industries


Carbon Credit Registry

Credits available for Business Clients

Carbon Credit Status

Follow The Money

Conservation costs money. The main cost elements are:

  1. Establishing a forest. This forest was established by plantation.

  2. Conservation management costs. This includes pest and weed control, forest monitoring, and the administration of the carbon project (carbon returns, registry account management and general administration).

  3. Opportunity costs. This is the revenue that the landowner has given up to enable forest conservation to happen. In this project the landowner gave up revenue from plantation pine forest - revenue that would normally be used to make a living off the land.

Carbon credit revenue goes to cover these costs.

Follow the journey on Aureate project facebook page here!