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New Technologies for Farms Forum

Motueka Catchment Collective invites farmers and other rural landowners and residents to a forum about demonstrating new technologies that can be used by farmers to improve environmental outcomes, improve productivity and help with economic outcomes.

When:     Thursday 17th April, 9.30am – 3.30pm

Where:    Moutere Hills Community Centre, 1539 Moutere Highway, Upper Moutere.

There will be a combination of presentations and key speakers as well as stands sharing useful information on the following topics:

  • Pest Management, particularly innovative trapping methods or new trap technologies

  • Irrigation and pumps, including new advancements in these areas

  • Farm Data Management (such as Resolution Farming, Farmenviro, Overseer, Farm IQ, cow collars)

  • Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

  • Solar Farms, Hemp Cropping, etc.

  • Support with Farming Plans

Lunch will be provided and this event will be a great chance to meet other farmers and rural landowners.

27 March

Mastering Emissions Factors for Carbon Reporting

19 August

Carbon Forestry Conference