Climate, Community, Biodiversity

We work with organisations to look after the place – climate, community, biodiversity 



Organisations are increasingly aware of the need to look after the planet as a core element of what they do. We are here to help you get started with the climate, specifically carbon elements of your journey. We help organisations, products and events with carbon measurement and certification options. As part of helping, you produce a smart reduction plan from measurement insights, this includes identifying the low hanging fruit on the metaphoric emissions reductions tree, where reduction actions should be taken first. Following the emissions reduction actions, organisations can take responsibility for their residual emissions through purchasing indigenous forest carbon offsets. 

For businesses that would like to back up their carbon claims, we offer certification programs that provide a clear pathway to sustainability. Our certification programs include:  

Carbon Conscious – for businesses looking to measure, reduce, and invest in emissions reductions;  

Net Zero Carbon – for those committed to offsetting 100% of their emissions after investing in reductions;  

Net Zero Carbon Business Lite – designed for smaller businesses with simpler structures; and  

Climate Positive – which contributes to a net positive impact on the planet by committing to offset 120% of their emissions after investing in reductions. 

Certification enhances your credibility, meets stakeholder and customer expectations, and aligns your business with international standards like ISO 14064-1:2018 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. By becoming certified, you gain a competitive edge and contribute to a low-carbon future. 


At Ekos one of our values is ‘Sunga’ which is a term relating to ‘community’ in English. Community is an integral part of what we do and our overall mission as a social purpose business to help people achieve their sustainability goals.  

We help communities through nature-based solutions such as the development of forest carbon projects through the NZ ETS and international VCM standards. The forest carbon projects earn verified carbon credits which are monetised to create a sustainable income in order to continue protecting the forest as well as strengthen community development. All projects that Ekos support, have developed or co-developed have an element of community enhancement. These projects are not only powerful ways to protect and conserve forest and ecosystems, but they are also able to provide community development. 

As an example, the Loru Rainforest Conservation Project provides the landowners governance and management support as well as capacity building for the community enterprise at Loru. This helps landowners manage the project and develop spin-off community businesses such as selling agroforestry produce (e.g. Canarium nuts) from adjacent lands that they own and manage.  

Another example of a project that enhances community development is the Rarakau Rainforest Conservation Project here in Aotearoa. Other than being able to conserve this forest, this project allows the community to help train young people, develop their farm and provide future education and employment opportunities. 

Rameka Forest Carbon Project is another testament to community development. This project is a community-based project which brings in motivated volunteers to help with recreational track building, tree planting and pest and weed control. The hard work from the team at Rameka is shared upon the community and showcases the process of forest conservation. 



Another fundamental part of why we do what we do is Biodiversity. Ekos want to encourage biodiversity and environmental co-benefits to help heal the ever so increasing biodiversity loss the world faces today. All of the projects we support, developed or co-developed have biodiversity significance. These forest carbon projects are protecting and conserving forest, which is a form of biodiversity conservation, water quality protection and contributes to climate resilience. 

Some ways that we measure biodiversity are through bird counts and vegetation assessment. By taking a bird count in a forest it allows us to measure biodiversity. This is because different species of birds live in different canopy levels and environments within a forest, therefore if our bird count captures many different bird species then we have a biodiverse forest. When undertaking a vegetation assessment, we capture the species diversity within a given area, if there is a lot of different species and regeneration coming up then that is a good sign of biodiversity. 

Within the forest carbon projects that Ekos support, developed or co-developed, landowners invest in conservation management such as pest and weed control and native planting, these conservation management measures enhance biodiversity by protecting birds and plant species. 



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